Sitting here 2 days before our August 1st concert, listening to a rehearsal for the Montgomery Quartet, I’m overwhelmed with everything that I need to get done over the next day. At the same time, I can't help but be excited that these 4 wonderful musicians, along with 12 others, are coming together to put on this concert.
We presented our first concert just 3 months ago, and I am so happy with how we have grown already and the goals we have for the very near future. When I first moved to Chicago, I didn’t really know many people, but whenever I did meet someone I would immediately ask them if they wanted to play in our first show. Slowly it grew and we ended up with an amazing night, including 24 musicians presenting 9 composers in a small yoga studio!

I thought it would be more difficult to convince people that this is a problem that they should pay attention to, little did I know it would only take a poke here and there and a lot of the times even less then that! Those who sympathized and agreed found me, and continue to find me.
Now a short 3 months later, we are completing our 3rd concert, collectively presenting 19 composers and consisting of 38 musicians. You are also reading this on our brand new website, while we are raising funds to present a full orchestra concert in one months time, and 8 more concerts this season!

This has been a whirlwind series of events, comprising a great deal of work by many dedicated musicians - but it has undoubtedly been worth it. In the beginning I had all these large and crazy ideas, but others came along and said ‘no thats not crazy, lets do it!’. I’m so happy with the team we are building and the goals we are setting for ourselves - please check out our website to learn more about us and our plans for the future.
If you read this whole post, and believe in our mission, then I hope you can find it in your heart (and wallet) to support us financially so we can continue to spread our mission and put on all of the wonderful concerts we have in store!