Your support makes our work possible.
​Producing concerts that bring music by womxn to the Chicagoland area and beyond takes a lot of hard work, the dedication of some amazing musicians, and a little bit of ingenuity. But none of it is possible without the support of our incredible donors.
Your tax-deductible donations have helped us to:
Produce over 3 dozen concerts
Work with over 150 Chicago-area musicians
Commission a new work by rising star Ruby Fulton
Bring works by over 80 composers to audiences both in Chicago, and across the U.S.
Host two call for scores for full orchestra, including the performance of one of these works - a major boon to any composer - and the creation of rehearsal recordings for several others.
No matter the size of your donation, becoming a supporter today means joining an amazing team of music lovers whose passion and dedication to equity in classical music is driving the future.
You will be redirected to Fractured Atlas to make your donation.
5th Wave Collective is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions for the charitable purposes of 5th Wave Collective must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Partner with 5th Wave: Become a Sponsor
Program and Season Sponsorships are available at multiple levels, and include options for both online and in-person events. Click here to download our sponsor packet.
Season Sponsors

Concert Sponsors

LeAnne Bennion
John Bierbusse
Coralie Blasey
Mason Bynes
Pat Cohen
Cliff Colnot
Carl Colvin
Will Dannenberg
Patricia Daole
Robert Dillon
Ramona Douglas
Beth Ertz
Leanna Ertz
Marilyn Ferdinand
Cecilia Goertzen
Kirk Gilbert
Mariana Gomez
Ann Jones
Nicole Kass
Cynthia Kirk
Lewis Kirk
Melissa Kirk
Mabel Kwan
Mavis MacNeil
Sarah and Dyan Peterson-Bullen
Peter Ryszkiewicz
David Sands
Freya Seeburger
Jenny Shin
Dana Stemo
David Skidmore
Ernesto Valenzuela
Kate Waters
Michael and Mary Woolever
Foundations and Public Agencies

Past Sponsors